€2.7 million of funding promised for the Strategy for Genetics and Genomics.

The National Genetics and Genomics Strategy is to be published by end of this year.

On Friday, 30th September 2022, as part of the development of the National Strategy for Genetics and Genomics, the HSE hosted a Town Hall event at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, attended by Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD. Minister Donnelly said: “I welcome the opportunity to attend the National Genetics and Genomics Strategy Town Hall. Genomics has the potential to transform healthcare provision, allowing for a more cost-effective healthcare system that delivers better patient outcomes. As part of the Programme for Government we made a commitment to genomics and the €2.7million in funding that we have secured for the implementation of this Strategy is a testament to the work achieved to date. I look forward to the publication of this Strategy.”

The development of the National Genetics and Genomics Strategy has been underway since May this year. An expert Steering Group chaired by Dr Mark Bale (who gave the first keynote talk at the ISHG Conference this year), former Genomics Advisor to the UK Department of Health, and including representatives from a range of clinical specialities in Ireland, academic and patient representatives, and international experts in the area of genetics and genomics is leading the development of the strategy. This work is a priority of HSE Chief Clinical Officer, Dr Colm Henry, and is led by the Strategic Programmes Office of the CCO.

The National Strategy, which will be published by the end of this year, will define what actions and resources are needed so that the HSE can develop a genomic service for Ireland that will improve health outcomes, drive down the cost of care, and fuel scientific innovation and discovery.

*** The above text is taken from the HSE Press Release. *** See there for further information on the Town Hall event.

See the National Strategy for Genetics and Genomics in Ireland website for details including its purpose, principles, objectives, a timeline and other details.