ISHG 2021
24th Irish Society of Human Genetics Conference
Our 24th National conference again took place online this year. Our conference was really well received, our delegates particularly enjoyed the lunchtime discussion (for and against) reporting secondary findings (when found in a diagnostic laboratory) between Prof Gianpierro Cavalleri and Dr Lisa Bradley. It is clear that reporting of secondary findings is a contentious issue in clinical genetics.
American and European clinical genetic communities differ also on this subject. The ESHG have a position paper on this.
Our 24th ISHG conference cabstracts have been published here
2021 Conference Winners
Award for the Best Postgraduate Oral Presentation
Ms Rebecca Mahoney
for her oral presentation ‘Using cellular deconvolution to investigate cell subtype proportions in cortical gene expression data in schizophrenia’
€150 cash prize (+ travel scholarship to 2022 ESHG meeting)
Best Postdoctoral Oral Presentation Award
Dr Edmund Gilbert
for his oral presentation ‘Revealing the recent demographic history of Europe via haplotype sharing in the UK Biobank’
€150 cash & Registration fees for the 2022 ESHG
Best Postgraduate Poster Presentation Award
Ms Christina Vasilopoulou
for her poster presentation ‘snpQT, an easy-to-use automatic software tool for comprehensive genomic quality control, imputation and association analysis: application to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis’
Registration fees for 2022 ESHG
Best Postdoctoral Poster Presentation Award
Dr Niamh Ryan
for her poster presentation ‘A co-segregation analysis of ultra-rare variants in families multiply affected by schizophrenia using whole genome sequencing’
Registration fees for 2022 ESHG