Constitution of the Irish Society of Human Genetics
1997 (Amended August 2021)
1997 (Amended August 2021)
The name of the society is ‘Irish Society of Human Genetics’
Preamble: The Irish Society of Human Genetics is an independent non-profit professional organisation whose purpose is to promote and encourage the advancement and public awareness of Human Genetics and Genomics in clinical and research practice including:
1. To promote, encourage and advance the study and practice of human genetics and genomics.
2. To support, guide and inform healthcare and other professionals contributing to applications of genetics and genomics in Ireland, and the development and assurance of high standards of practice.
3. To promote education in genetics and genomics through seminars, lectures, discussion groups, conferences and symposia.
4. To act as an authoritative body for the purpose of consultation in matters of public and professional interest and to offer informed opinion on issues of public interest in relation to genetics and genomics.
5. To cooperate and collaborate with other National and International societies which promote the study and practice of human genetics and genomics.
The address of the society will follow the address of the current chairperson. The bank should be informed of the change in address for statements and replenishment of cheque books.
4.1 The society shall consist of Ordinary and Honorary members, Corporate members and Overseas members. Only ordinary members of the society shall be entitled to vote in elections or at meetings of the society, or to be elected as members of the Council or officers.
4.2 The membership shall be open to those interested in furthering the objectives of the society and who have a professional interest in human genetics and molecular medicine.
4.3 Ordinary members shall be normally resident, or normally practice a relevant profession in Ireland. Persons may be nominated in writing by two members of the society for election as overseas members.
4.4 Companies may on the recommendation of the council be admitted to Corporate membership of the society on payment of the corporate subscription.
4.5 The executive committee may by a simple majority and for good reason choose to terminate the membership of any member provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the executive committee before a final decision is made.
5.1 Persons of eminence who have contributed to the advancement of human genetics in Ireland shall be eligible for election as honorary members. They do not have to be Irish or living in Ireland. They shall be elected to the society on the recommendation of the council and they shall pay no membership subscription.
5.2 Ordinary members can choose to nominate an honorary member through the committee.
5.3 A maximum of one honorary member may be ratified per year.
5.4 Newly appointed honorary members will be presented at the annual conference with a lifetime achievement award.
At the annual General Meeting of the society, the members will be asked to ratify a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, social media officer, sponsorship secretary and treasurer, whom have been proposed by the Executive committee. Two members will be required to ratify each position. Each position is honorary and shall hold office from the conclusion of the meeting.
7.1 The management and administration of the affairs of the society shall be vested in an Executive committee. The ISHG Executive committee shall consist of up to fourteen members and shall consist of honorary officers and ordinary members. All members of the executive committee are elected from the membership.
7.2 Honorary officers are proposed by the executive committee and ratified by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. Honorary officers must first serve as an ordinary member on the executive committee before being proposed as an honorary officer. The chairperson will serve a three year term. The chairperson will then serve a three year term as president.
7.3 All members of the executive committee shall retire from office together at the end of the Annual General Meeting, but each may be re-elected or re-appointed for a maximum of five consecutive years commencing with the year when first elected. With the exception of the chairperson, an honorary officer may be re-elected to the same position for a maximum of five consecutive years commencing with the year he/she first came to office. On the expiry of any five year consecutive term, a break of at least one year is required before the re-election of the Honorary officer to a position previously held. At the discretion of the Executive committee, an Honorary officer may be nominated for re-election beyond the five years in exceptional circumstances, including the inability to find an alternative candidate.
7.4 The executive committee is empowered to fill any vacancy occurring on it and such appointment shall hold good until the next election of the executive committee. The executive committee is also empowered to co-opt additional members as required, provided that no more than one third its total membership is co-opted.
8.1 A meeting of the Executive committee shall be convened as often as that committee may decide, or whenever the chairperson shall consider necessary, or on a requisition signed by no fewer than four members of the Executive committee stating the purpose for which the meeting is desired.
8.2 The chairperson shall take the chair at all meetings of the executive committee, and the vice-chairperson shall preside in his or her absence. In the absence of the chair or vice-chairperson the meeting shall elect a temporary chairperson.
8.3 Quorum for a committee meeting shall be six, one of whom is an honorary officer.
8.4 In the case of an equality of votes, whoever is presiding chairperson will have the casting vote in addition to any other vote he or she may have.
9.1 The executive committee may at any time constitute from among its members sub-committees to carry out specific work or duties connected with the society. The executive committee, or sub-committee may also co-opt any member of the club to such sub-committee whom they consider specially qualified to assist in its work.
9.2 All acts and proceedings of such sub-committees must be fully and promptly reported back to the Executive committee.
The income and property of the society whencesoever derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the society as set forth in the constitution, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to Members of the society. Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the reimbursement of expenses or payment in good faith of proper and reasonable remuneration to any Officer, Member or Servant of the society in return for services rendered to the society, or reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let by any member of the society; but so that no salaried office of the Society or any office of the society paid by fees, and that no renumeration or other benefit in monies worth shall be given by the society to members of such council or governing body, except payment of out of pocket expenses and reasonable and proper rent for premises demised or let to the Society.
11.1 The bankers of the club shall be such bankers as the executive committee may from time to time appoint. The bank account shall be in the name of ‘Irish Society of Human Genetics’
11.2 All sums received by the honorary treasurer on the society’s behalf shall be paid promptly into the society’s bank account
11.3 All cheques drawn on the society’s bank account shall be signed by either one of the chairperson or the treasurer
12.1 The society shall, at the annual general meeting, appoint two members of the society to act as scrutineers for the ensuing year, who shall hold office for one year but who are eligible for re-appointment for a maximum of five consecutive years commencing with the year they were first appointed. On the expiry of any five year consecutive term a break of at least one year is required before reappointment. Should a scrutineer be unable for any reason to fulfil his/her obligations in a particular year, the chairperson shall be empowered to co-opt a replacement to act for as long as required or until the next annual general meeting. The scrutineers shall examine the books and accounts of the club and make them available at the annual General Meeting. The scrutineers may, if they deem it necessary, recommend to the Executive committee that then accounts be audited.
12.2 No executive committee member shall be eligible to act as a scrutineer or auditor.
13.1 The chairperson, vice-chairperson and officers are nominated by the executive committee and endorsed by vote by two members at the Annual General Meeting.
13.2 Only those serving on the executive committee can be nominated for a position of officer.
14.1 Nominations for any vacancies on the executive committee can only be accepted from candidates who have given their permission to go forward
14.2 The members of the executive committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting
14.3 Where the number of nominees exceeds the vacancies there shall be a secret ballot, overseen by two people appointed by the chairperson.
An annual General Meeting shall be held. At least twenty days notice of a general meeting shall be given.
16.1 The executive committee is empowered to convene an extraordinary general meeting of the society either by the decision of the executive committee or when the president is requested by 25 or more ordinary members in writing to convene such a meeting. Notice in writing must be sent to all members not less than thirty days before such a meeting informing them of the date, venue and purpose of the meeting. No business other than that detailed in the notice shall be transacted at the Special General Meeting.
16.2 The quorum of an extraordinary General Meeting shall consist of ten percent of the membership.
All voting at Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings shall be by ordinary members of the society. Voting on items designated by the chairperson will be taken by a show of hands.
Any member of the society must give notice of motions he or she wishes to move at any general meeting by sending the substance thereof in writing to the honorary secretary twenty days preceding the annual general meeting.
19.1 Changes to the constitution may be made when majority of those voting at a general meeting agree. Proposals for changes to the constitution may be notified in writing to the chairperson at least 21 days before a General Meeting.
19.2 The constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of the voting members at a General Meeting. The notice of the General Meeting must include notice of the resolution, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.
19.3 No amendment may be made to clause 1 (the name of the society) and clause 20 (the dissolution clause)
20.1 If the executive committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the society, it shall call a meeting of all members of the society, giving not less than thirty days notice and stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed.
20.2 If the resolution proposed is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of those voting members present, the executive committee shall be empowered to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the society.
20.3 Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to an institution or institutions having similar aims as the club and failing that shall be applied for some other charitable purpose or purposes.